
Ten Ways to Use Google Trends to Increase SEO

Aug, 17 2018
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A lot of free Online Search Tools are available today which can help you to Increase SEO, we also call them free SEO Tools. Google trends is one of those Online Search Tools which allows the user to see how often a keyword or search term is entered in the search box or we can say queried over a specific period of time.

Google trends works in a particular manner that it analyzes a portion of Google searches to calculate how many searches have been done for a particular phrase or keywords, relative to the total number of searches done in the same time frame. While the data provided by Google Trends is updates on a daily basis, Google itself admits that the data provided by trends may contain some inaccuracies and this can happen because of the no. of reasons i.e. data sampling issue or because of a variety of approximations that are used to calculate results.

Google Trends is one of the most versatile SEO tools available online, it allows you to query up to 5 phrases or search terms at the same time and it shows the results for all the 5 keywords in the same graph which is called as “Google Volume Index Graph”.  But still it is one of the most underrated SEO Tools because marketers are not much aware of how Trends can help them to get their fingers on the Global Pulse. In the below article we will talk about:

Ten Trends to Increase SEO

1. Start Big and Whittle Down : The latest dashboard of Trends is simpler and it allows you to explore various thing before narrowing down. To start big is a great way, start by entering a big time search term for the topic and then press ENTER. There Google Trends will invite you to drill down your search in some specific ways i.e. by the geographical area, by the time selection, by the specific category and by the search type. This will enable you to Increase SEO by targeting a Wider Region.

2. Context is the Key : Google Trends work in a relativistic manner and today’s results are not compared with overall popularity of all trends rather it compares with the previous heights of the prior keywords you entered. Therefore you should never ignore the context and try to avoid your personal blind spots to Increase SEO.

3. Trend Predictions : Today it has become the easiest thing to log on to Google and find out the trends which already leave a trail, but this is not very useful as most of the marketers are using the same data. If you want to have some additional insights, you should try to use available data to predict trends. You need to identify the potential trends by filtering them according to specific category and country.

Not long ago the “health story” was tending on Google but it may not be a headline on Trends today, Google Trends indeed provides you the data of the news trending of the day which are hottest.

4. Use “Top Charts” for Additional Insights: Top charts are different to the Trends most people are seeing. It is like a “Billboard Top 100” of Google, it shows you the top of trending items in the various categories. Say for example right now the top trending bird is crow. Who Knew?

It can be sorted as Trending and Most Searched for some additional insights, which will provide you the more relevant information.

5. Cyclical Trends : Let’s say you are optimizing an SEO Company then a few searches will reveal that SEO doesn’t compete with Event Management Company. So with some previously discussed strategies you can determine some additional keywords to position your future posts to handle the return of every cyclical trends.

6. Use Data for Video optimization : Let’s say you have posted a video of how to get more phone calls from some website redesigning techniques, then you can switch from web to YouTube search, and you will be in a better position to write more relevant titles for your posts and ultimately this will improve the chances to capture more YouTube traffic related to that particular topic.

7. Target by Location : The most people using Google Trends focus on the Keywords exclusively, but to get better and more relevant results you must incorporate the location into the mix. You need to focus on the specific regions and sub-regions.

8. Get More Advanced with Specific Search Options : You can get advanced insights using options like:

  ● Image Search

  ● Web Search

  ● News Search

  ● Google Shopping

  ● YouTube Search

As you dig deeper into your queries it will increase chances of identifying a new trend.

9. Use Long tails Phrases to Inspire Content : It may be difficult to rank higher on the SERPs with the keyword SEO Company, but there is no reason you can’t come on the top with the long trail variation of the same phrase.

10. Don’t Misread the Trends : With the Advanced use of Google Trends you have gone a step beyond or two whatever you think your current insight is to determine if you have any blind spots.

For example: Never trust a single snapshot, but get a broader view of a timeline to analyze what else is happening.

Or Is an increased trend in one particular keyword is overlooked by some more important keyword? Always look the context.

Final Thought 

Although the way Google Trend Works has changed a lot over the years but the key principles always remain the same and you can always use the aforementioned ways to increase your SEO.


Author Bio

The author is SEO Expert, working with Best SEO Company in Delhi. He helps in building value-conscious traffic on several businesses sites. In his articles, he has given tremendous ideas related to SEO and how to increase the user base, and boost web sales and customer satisfaction. There are thousands of tricks and techniques he follows. Get in touch with him @ [email protected]

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