
Learn SEO with our SEO Practical Tutorial PDF

Nov, 27 2018
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Learn SEO with our SEO Practical Tutorail PDF

When it comes to select the best SEO Tutorial for you, it becomes a tough job as it needs a crucial set of skills to choose from the available options. The essence lies in understanding what you exactly know about SEO and what SEO actually is. In this detailed SEO tutorial guide for beginners, we are going to include all the essential basics of Search Engine Optimization.

We will divide this tutorial in basically 3 parts:

1. Introduction of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

2. On-Page SEO

3. Off-Page SEO

After completing the tutorial you will be able extend your SEO knowledge as well as polish your SEO skills.

Section A: Introduction of Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

In today’s technology fueled world everything is becoming Digital as many India businessmen are maintaining their online websites & they are becoming more conscious now-a-days about getting higher quantity of unpaid traffic for their web pages or websites. SEO has become the king of all the marketing strategies available in the market today as it helps to make your online presence sound. Let us first talk about what SEO basically means:

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

SEO as its name suggests is a process of optimizing a web page or a website for search engines. It is a set of some tactics which people use to get more quantity of quality traffic towards their website. It becomes possible when your website obtains a higher rank placement on the organic results of search engine result pages i.e. on SERPs of major search engines.

We can understand it by dividing the above definition into parts:

● Quality of Traffic: It is not difficult to attract more number of visitors on the internet, but it is to attract the quality traffic as for example some one is coming in with the intention of buying an Apple iPad and he is redirected to a website providing Organic fruits like Apple, then it is not quality traffic.

Instead of this you should try to attract the people who are actually interested in the kind of products or services you are offering. You can hire some SEO Experts in Delhi, to make your website properly search engine optimized.

● Quantity/Volume of Traffic: Once you have only the potential people coming and clicking through your website then getting the more traffic on a website is another step. SEO service providers in Faridabad can help you to fetch more and more traffic towards your website.

● Organic Results: Organic Traffic is the traffic which you have no need to pay for to the search engines. It is specifically an unpaid traffic coming to your website from the SERPs. That is why SEO is one of the cost effective techniques of marketing.

We can conclude it by saying that SEO is a technique for:

● Designing & Developing a search engine friendly website to rank well in search engine results.

● Increasing the volume of quality traffic coming from SERPs.

● Understanding how search engine’s algorithms work, and what possible visitors might search.

If you plan to understand and read basic SEO, it is essential to first understand how search engines work.

How does a Search Engine Work?


Search engines like Google use the algorithms to calculate worth of a web page for relevant search query. Google use above 200 factors to calculate the authority of a webpage, and Page-Rank is one of them. Whenever Google crawl a webpage then it assigns Page-Rank to every webpage and when some other website get to linked to yours, some of its Page-Rank is passed on to your webpage. The more sites you will get linked to, the higher the rank of your page will be and the more genuine your site will look to search engines.


Crawling actually does mean Following a Path. So this is a method of fetching all the web pages linked to a website. Search engines use “spiders” to crawl millions of pages on the web. They follow the links which they find from billions of pages around the web.


Indexing is basically a process of creating index for all the gathered information of web pages and keeping them into a huge database so that it can be retrieved from there thereafter. Mainly the process of indexing is identifying the words and expressions that describe the page best and assigning the page to particular search term or keyword.


When a user enters a search term in the search box then the search engine processes it and it compares the search string with the indexed pages in the database.

Calculate Relevancy:

The fact is that more than one page contains the search term or keyword, so the search engine then starts calculating the relevancy of each of the pages having the same search term in its index.

Retrieve Results:

This is the last step in search engine activities to cater the users with the best relevant results according to their search query. It is simply showing the results in browser.

Search engines often update their algorithms many times per month so nothing to worry about it when you see changes in your rankings because it is due to an algorithmic shift or something else which is not in your control. The basic principle of operation of all search engines is same, but the minor differences between their algorithms can end up having major changes in the relevancy of results. There after comes SEO Copywriting.

SEO Copywriting:

SEO copywriting is the technique in which you write a viewable text on a web page in such a way that the surfer can read it well and you can also target specific keywords in that viewable text. Its serves your purpose to rank higher in the search engines for the targeted keywords or search terms.

Along with it SEO copywriting often optimizes other on-page elements besides targeted keywords. For example Title, Description, tags, headings etc. The purpose of SEO copywriting is that search engines want genuine content pages and not additional pages (doorway pages) which are created for the purpose of achieving high rankings only.

What do we mean by Search Engine Rank?

When a user enters any query in the form of a keyword or search term in a search engine’ search box, it displays millions of results found in its indexed database. A page ranking is measured by the position of web pages displayed in the organic search engine results. If a search engine is putting a web page on the first

position, then that web page’s rank is #1 and it is assumed as the page with the highest rank. SEO is the process of attaining a high rank in search engine results.

Types of SEO:

Conceptually, there are two types of SEO:

● On-Page SEO - It includes writing and uploading good content, selection of good keywords, choosing correct places to put the keywords and giving best suitable title to every page etc.

● Off-Page SEO - It includes link building, increasing the popularity of the links by submitting directories, doing business listing, bookmarking etc.

Section B: On-Page SEO:

On-Page Search Engine Optimization (SEO) includes the following steps:

These On-Page Search Engine Optimization steps will help you optimize your website pages, so they can gain the best chance to get found by your potential consumers. We are here discussing the most important factors to consider when it comes to optimize each page on your site. Creating a new optimized content every week is crucial to achieve long-term success with SEO.

Step 1: Choose Keywords

You must read the page’s content and identify at least 2 most relevant keywords for the overall page content. Pick one relevant primary keyword according to page’s content and another one will be the variation of that keyword (e.g. 2 closely related keywords) per page, because If it’s not clear to you what a webpage is about, then the search engines will also be not able to understand the page either.

Step 2: Page Title

The first thing is to understand what the page title is all about. The page title is the text which appears as the blue, bolded & underlined text on a Google’s search results page (SRP) i.e. on the top left of the browser bar. The page title should strive following things:

✔ It should be under 70 characters and not having more than two long-tail keywords per title

✔ The primary keyword which you have selected for the web page should appear first

✔ A pipe (|) sign must be incorporated between each keyword phrase   

✔ Each page’s title should be unique

✔ Only the homepage and contact us page should contain your business name not all other web pages.

Step 3: Meta Description

The meta description is the text which appears under the Page Title on a Google search results page. The meta description decides whether a consumer will click on your result, or a result above or below you. It works as a call to action(CTA). The meta description should adhere to the following:  

✔ It should be under 150 characters (but try to make it not under 100 characters as you should take advantage of the space you have)

✔ You should incorporate the primary keyword once and also one secondary keyword at least

✔ You must describe your page in a way that can provide a valuable & compelling reason people to visit the page

✔ Keywords must be included in a conversational format not for the sake of listing only

Step 4: URL

Create a website page’s URL which includes the primary keyword and each word in the URL should be separated using dashes (-) i.e. www.examplesite.com/SEO-Strategies-2018

Step 5: Heading Tags

The page should include one H1 heading tag that will contain the primary keyword and will align with the page title and the URL of the page. This H1 tag appears at the top of the page will become the first thing people see as soon as they arrive on a page.

Step 6: Page Content

Try to include your primary keyword a few times in the page’s whole content but don’t overstuff the keywords these should be mentioned naturally. You can try bolding or underlining the keyword at least once. Secondary keywords could also be included whenever it is possible.

Step 7: Add a Call to Action

Always remember to add at least one call to action on every page including blogs above the page’s fold (So that your visitors need not scroll down to see the CTA). By adding CTA on every page you can help your SEO efforts as it will create an internal link on your website to a different particular landing page. Most calls to action include images; therefore you can optimize the image’s filename and alt text for the targeted primary keyword on the page. Read the further details in Step 9.

Step 8: Internal Links

If you have mentioned your web page’s primary keyword on other pages as well within your website, then you can link to that page using your page’s primary keyword as the anchor text. For example, you should link to a page about Digital Marketing Services using the anchor text “Digital Marketing Services” To make sure that it is completed just take a moment to create one or two links on related pages that link back to the page you’re currently optimizing.

Step 9: Images

Any kind of image which you are using on a web page should be optimized in the way that it can be read easily by search engines. So you should optimize the most influential image on the page with the primary keyword, and then use the secondary keywords for any other images. You can optimize the images in two ways:  

A. Filename: When naming an image’s filename you should keep in mind that each word is separated with dashes (-), i.e. PPC-Service-Delhi.jpg

B. ALT text: The alt text should match the image’s file name but without dashes, for example, PPC Services Delhi.

If you are not able to change file name for an image or if it’s becoming too time-consuming, then you can only change the most important images’ alt text by using the primary keyword.

● Meta Keywords: These keywords aren’t part of search algorithm of Google or Bing, so there is not very much need to optimize the meta keywords. However, you can still use your primary and secondary keyword in meta keywords.

You can visit us on: https://bit.ly/2xFNjBb for more information about on-page SEO.

Section C: Off-Page SEO: Off page SEO plays a vital role in overall SEO. Off-page SEO helps to increase the visibility in Search Engine Results, as it is used to increase the popularity of your website in search engines. With on-page you will be only visible but with off-page SEO will decide where, that means Off-page techniques of SEO improves your position in SERPs. Following are some main steps you can take for a better off-page SEO.

1. Create Unique Content:

In search engine optimization (SEO) content plays the role of a king, when you create some awesome and sharable content then it helps you to get more and more natural backlinks for your website or blog. This is a smarter way of getting backlinks but the thing to keep in mind is you need to research quite often and stay updated and fresh with your content.

2. Outreach Influencers for backlinks:

If you have created a content that is informative, unique and worth sharing then you can reach to the influencers of your industry and ask them to check and give you a back links. But the thing to keep in mind is you get the links from the relevant and trustworthy domains.

3. Post as a Guest Author:

You can reach to the websites allowing you to post article as guest authors, that means there are many good and quality websites which are open for the guest postings. You can write an amazing content and reach them for the guest post. Keep it in mind that, don’t keep posting on the same blog site again and again. You need to keep focus on quality back link not just on the quantity.

4. Stay Engagement with people on Social Media:

Your sound Social Media Presence helps to grow your business and also to get more no. of quality back links. This is one of the major Off-Page SEO techniques as you can now engage with more and more people through the multiple social media platforms. Here is a list of Top Social Networking Sites.

Top social networking sites:

Top social networking sites

5. Use Social Bookmarking Sites:

Social Bookmarking sites play a very important role in the Off-Page SEO techniques as these are the best platforms to promote your websites. It helps you to gain a high traffic on your webpage or blog as soon as you bookmark your blog or webpage on popular bookmarking sites. Some good DA/PA Social Bookmarking Websites are as in the below list.

Popular Bookmarking Websites:

Popular Bookmarking Websites

6. Forum Submission:

Participate in search forums which are related to your website and business and make a connection with that community. Reply to threads, answer people’s questions and give your suggestions and advice. Make use of “Do-Follow” forums.

In forum submission you can participate in the search forum, which are related to your website or business and try to make a connection to the community already exist there. You can answer people’s question or reply to some threads or can give some advice or suggestion on any topic on which discussion is already going on. You can get some “Do-Follow” back links from there. Some Forum Submission sites with good PR are as follows.

List of high PR forum Submission Sites:

List of high PR forum Submission Sites

7. Blog Directory Submission:

Directory submission is a technique, that takes quite some time to deliver results, but once it has done it gives you results for a longer time period and also it provides quality back links when you are constantly working on it. The thing to keep in mind is that you should choose an effective directory and select a proper category. Some free directory submission sites are as follows.

Free directory submission sites list:

Free directory submission sites list

8. Article Submission:

Research and write a good quality and unique article and submit the article in a high PR article submission sites. You can also give internal links of your website or webpages. Make sure your content should not be more keyword stuffed, because by doing that there are chances of getting rejected. Select an appropriate category choose a good title and description and then post a good quality article to get the quality back links. Some good and free article submission sites are as follows.

Free Article Submission sites:

Free Article Submission sites

9. Question and Answer Websites:

Question and answer websites are the websites which can grab you the highest traffic. For that you need to join some question and answer sites with good PR and then search for some questions related to your business or website and give proper answer to those questions. You can also give the link of your website or webpage with your answer so that it can bring your website more visibility. Some good question answer websites are as follows.

Some good Question and Answer Websites:

Some good Question and Answer Websites

10. Share company’s videos on some video submission sites:

Most of the video submission sites have higher PR so these can get some quality back links from these sites. What you need to do is just make an appropriate video with some good information about your company or products/services and use a proper title, description, tags and reference links before submitting a video in video submission sites. Some of the good video sites are as follows.

Some Good Video Submission Sites:

Some Good Video Submission Sites

11. Post Images on Image Submission Sites:

By sharing some images related to your business or products/services you can make your brand popular. You can share these images on some image submission sites having good DA/PA or PR but make sure to optimize the image first, that means give a correct URL and title tag to the images before sharing. While sharing the images please check if they have proper title, description and tags

Good PR Image sharing sites:

Good PR Image sharing sites

12. Make use of Infographics Submission Sites:

In today’s time creative infographics are making their place and getting more popular on internet. In infographics you can mention all the details in an image about your company/product, that are easily interpretable by human eyes. So make creative infographics and submit them on popular inforgraphics submission sites and mention reference link to your webpage or blog. Some popular and good Infographics Submission Sites are as follows:

Infographics Submission Sites:

Infographics Submission Sites

13. Share Documents on Document Sharing Sites:

Create some unique and attractive pdf format documents related to your blog or webpages and submit these documents in the documents sharing websites to gain good back links from those websites.

Document Sharing Sites:

Document Sharing Sites

You can visit us on: https://bit.ly/2PoZGsw for more information about off-page SEO.

Wrapping Up:

We are wrapping up here by saying that on-page SEO and off-page SEO both work hand in hand and for proper optimization of your website you need to have proper knowledge of both. While doing off-page SEO make sure you are working on some websites having good DA/PA. Focus on the quality of a back link not on the quantity of the back links.

Author Bio

The author is SEO Expert, working with Best SEO Company in Delhi. He helps in building value-conscious traffic on several businesses sites. In his articles, he has given tremendous ideas related to SEO and how to increase the user base, and boost web sales and customer satisfaction. There are thousands of tricks and techniques he follows. Get in touch with him @ [email protected]

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