
Alt Text for SEO : How to Optimize Your Images

Apr, 14 2020
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Alt Text for SEO : How to Optimize Your Images

Google search engine result pages now deliver many image results just the same as they deliver text-based results. Alt text (Alternative text) designed to explain the images & it describes images on the web page. It is an HTML attribute added to the images & not visible on the page. When the web browser is unable to load a graphic, then Alt text displayed to describe the image. It generally appears in the image container when the image cannot be displayed.

How can we add Alt text to images?

In the content management systems, when you click on an image, an image optimization/rich text module is displayed where you can add or edit Alt text for that image. In SEO perspective, always try to create an Alt text that perfectly describes the image & it also includes the target keyword or keyword phrase in it.

Importance of Alt text

  • Improves Accessibility

Many people have visual impairment & most people use screen readers to read the content online. It is done by converting the content & the images into audios. If Alt text not done in the images, then the content of the image cannot be communicated to the user.

  •  Helps in ranking images on Google

Google images are the world’s largest search engine. If you want your images to rank on Google, then Alt text will be beneficial for you as it provides an opportunity to drive massive traffic.

  • Anchor text for image links

An anchor text is the text you click to move from one internet destination to another destination. This text is clickable that links one webpage to another webpage. With image links, Google uses Alt text to understand about linked page.

  • Contribute to Images SEO

Alt text in images helps in contributing to images SEO & they can become more user friendly. It will also provide SEO benefits to images by implementing titles for the images. Alt text also provides an opportunity to add the target keyword. It is beneficial from the SEO perspective.

How can we write good Alt text to images?

According to the SEO perspective, a digital marketer always needs to craft a high-quality SEO rich content. Wouldn’t it be great if you could benefit from images to increase search rankings? This is what the Alt text does. Alt-text is used to describe the image adequately while actively increasing their Google rankings through the placement of focus keywords. There are some best practices that we need to follow while doing Alt text for images. Here are the details;

  • Research on the keywords

Before initiating content, including Alt text, research the keyword which you are going to target. Try to search those keywords which have high search volume, but they have low competition.

  • Be Concise

Lengthy Alt text never attracts users. Also, it become difficult for those persons who are using screen readers. Therefore Alt text for images should be short & concise. Clearly explain what the image shows using your focus keyword. Describe the image by being specific.

  • Avoid keywords stuffing

Limit Alt text for images with only one focus keyword. More keywords stuffing will surely create a problem. Focus only on writing a descriptive Alt text that provides context to the image.

  • Avoid repetition

While writing Alt text for images, try not to repeat the content or the information that has already in use. It is important to avoid redundancy in using Alt text for images.

  • Do not start Alt text with "Image of....."

Alt-text referred to the image, so there is no need to specify the image by including the sentences like “It is an image of...” or “It is as the picture of....”.Make the text short & descriptive. Screen reading tools identify the image from the HTML sourcing code.

  • Never neglect form buttons

If a form on your website use images as a “submit” button, then adds Alt text attribute to that button. Always remember to add Alt text to form buttons else screen readers may pass over them & thereby, some user will not be able to interact with your website. You can also describe the function of the button like join now, apply now, sign in, search, etc.

Final Words

One of the essential thing Alt text can do is that it turn the images into hyperlinked search results, so thereby it helps in increasing organic visitors on your website. Try to make Alt text best practices for all images. It is simple to implement & it benefits from the SEO perspective. It may not have much adverse impact on other ranking measures, but it is worth the effort to write simple, accurate, concise, short & meaningful Alt text for images. The more images you optimize, the better SEO strategy you will follow to move forward

Author Bio

The author is SEO Expert, working with Best SEO Company in Delhi. He helps in building value-conscious traffic on several businesses sites. In his articles, he has given tremendous ideas related to SEO and how to increase the user base, and boost web sales and customer satisfaction. There are thousands of tricks and techniques he follows. Get in touch with him @ [email protected]

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