
Ethical Web Hosting

Feb, 05 2018
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Ethical Web Hosting

Ethical web hosting word came in notice when unethical web hosting has taken place in the market. Today many people are facing lots of hassle due to their effortless web host. Before we discuss more upon this issue, let’s talk about the Ethical web hosting first. If we talk about the Ethical web hosting, it is the pure and the finest way of dealing with the customers and making them able to experience the wonderful service of web hosting. In the way of ethical web hosting, first of all, we have to know, what the core concept of web hosting. Web hosting is basically a service that is providing space and access of website on the internet or it is a place where people store their websites.

Presently there is much technique for web hosting such as:

1. Shared Web Hosting- The shared web hosting is much inexpensive but not good this is because in shared web hosting our server is shared and on one server there are lots of users. And if one website is using huge server space let’s say 80% then other websites can get affected by this. So shared web hosting is not a good idea.

2. Cloud web hosting- It’s a new hosting technique that lets numerous servers work together as one. It allows us to use multiple servers’ resources from one network. Cloud web hosting is very much convenient and simple than others.

3. VPS web hosting- VPS stands for Virtual Private Server and is most popular service and have shared server but well maintained and good working than others. The best thing of VPS servers splits itself as according to the users. VPS servers are quite affordable.

4. Dedicated web hosting- Dedicated web hosting provides a single server to the single user. It can clear all the problems related to the shared servers because there is no other using the same related server. It also gives flexibility to the users to run more and more applications. If you really need more control over data privacy and any other security then it is best.

5. Self-service hosting- It’s all about buying, installing, configuring and handling the server by you. But you should make sure that there is sufficient cooling and electricity is available all the time.

After taking a server we have to setup the DNS system where DNS stands for Domain Name Servers. The work of DNS is to maintain the directory of domains and render them into IP addresses. IP stands for Internet Protocol and the typical IP addresses are like  Internet Protocol address is always in numbers because computers can only understand numbers. An IP address is basically used to identify the computers on the internet. After registering to the DNS it will take 1-day maximum to update your name worldwide so that anyone can access your website. After setting up DNS you have to choose the type of web servers. Generally, there are 2 types of web servers, are commonly used:

Linux- It is one of the most commonly used web servers. Why is it commonly used? Because it is an open source and free Linux supports languages like PHP, Perl, and Python etc. It mainly supports databases like MySQL and Post are SQL

Windows- It is not an open source like Linux is but it runs through.NET and Microsoft Technologies and also supports Microsoft Servers and Databases.

Now, hopefully, all parts of web hosting and its work procedure are clear for you. But it does not end up here, a web host (who provides all the web hosting services) has to treat and take his customer to the comfort zone by providing best services and guidelines. Through this, their customers not only learn many things about web-hosting but through this type of service procedure a level to trust increase too.

Here, I am not able to understand why a web-hosting service provider does not guide their customers properly? As per my conviction, every hosting & domain service provider should clearly tell each & everything to their customers. Firstly they should create a separate customer id and must clear to their customer that in a case in future if they will not satisfy with the services they can change the vendor without any difficulties. This happens because many hosts just confound customers and wanted to stick with them only. They perplex customers in such a way that customers left with no other ways instead of sticking to their web hoster.

If we see the faces of the customers then we will get to know about the problem faced by them. Actually, everything is clyster clear, if a customer wants a suitable domain for himself then the web host has two choices, one is to register on the domain authority site and provide them the domain and account details or another one is to guide them to book domain himself. What another thing they do is that they don’t let customers do things of their own. If we just tell the procedures or guide them how to do that then customer will gain more trust on the web host. In fact, if the customer wants to change the web host then he/she can easily change it. But customers face difficulty when they don’t know much about DNS and other domain services. If we as being a web host explain everything related to website and also guide them about DNS that how to manage then they will definitely get aware about the procedures of the website from start to end. This will not only make customer capable but also they don’t have to depend on the web host. All things will become clear to them and they will choose the web host who will give them best services.

By doing so they can not only increase their reputation in customer’s eyes but can also get references for more clients to increase their business. At the same time, we have to see Google towards services from where we get inquiries for the website we made, it is fully transparent.

As a Google Certified PPC Expert, we work on 100% transparent model, where a login id & password is given to you & you can see every report which is generated by Google, what is your opinion? Share your views.

Author Bio

The author is a co-founder of Delhiā€™s best Website Designing Company- jeewangarg.com. He has been designing websites from last one decades and knows all micro to the macro level of strategies to deliver the best website. Usually, he writes blogs and articles related to the latest website designing tricks and strategies. Get in touch with him @ [email protected]

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