
Does Your Domain Name and Extension Affects Your SEO

Sep, 24 2018
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One of the hardest things in life is to name a stuff whether it is about to name a  business, to name a newborn child, to name a car or even coming up toa domain name,  because not to mention fact here is that the names which comes in mind have already been taken by someone else. But our concern does not lie with the availability of a name, the fact how it affects your SEO and business matters the most. A domain consists of two parts i.e. TLD (Top Level domain) and SLD (Second Level Domain).One of the hardest things in life is to name a stuff whether it is about to name a  business, to name a newborn child, to name a car or even coming up toa domain name,  because not to mention fact here is that the names which comes in mind have already been taken by someone else. But our concern does not lie with the availability of a name, the fact how it affects your SEO and business matters the most. A domain consists of two parts i.e. TLD (Top Level domain) and SLD (Second Level Domain).

TLD (Top Level Domain): TLD is the main domain name around the web, today we have tons of TLDs but very few of them rank well globally. The main TLDs which rank well are .com, .org and .net.

SLD (Second Level Domain): SLD is the domain name which we generally purchase from Namecheap or Godaddy etc. For our site jeewangarg is the SLD. For further explanation, just look at this: http://www.jeewangarg.com/, The Highlighted part here is SLD.

Now the basic question arises is how a domain and extension affects the SEO of your site. As a SEO company in Delhi, India, we have gained experienced after manually analyzing many websites that domain name and extensions have very less or no effect on a website’s SEO.There was a time when the SEO was much simpler thing, the domain name of a website could have a bigger impact on the ranking of that particular site.

But now things have changed, Google is updating its algorithm continuously and focusing only on choosing a domain name will take you leg behind your competitors. Because there are around 200 ranking factors in Google’s Algorithm and domain name is only one of those factors. Thus it has a very less impact on the ranking or SEO. However a well thought SLD and TLD can definitely help you in some other ways like:

âš«  It gives your site higher CTR (Click-Through-Rate)

âš«  Makes your brand more potential

âš«  Builds a trust factor for the website

âš«  Grabs more attention in the SERPs.

Some more advantages of having a good domain name are as follows:

1. Reputation Management: If you have chosen a good domain name i.e. relevant & properly spelled then it will definitely help you to increase the reputation and authority of your website. Also, getting all the counterparts of your domain name will help your company from possible reputation damage.

2. Sending Right Signals: As we have discussed earlier, using keywords in SLD and using industry specific TLD will not help you much in getting higher ranking but you should choose SLD and TLD in a way that it gives a right signal in order to get the most value.

A domain when used correctly, should incorporate:

(a) Brand Signal: If you have mentioned your brand name in your business’ domain name, then it will contribute to your branding efforts.

(b) Relevancy Signal: If you have a keyword mentioned in your domain, then when people will refer to your website, it will associate your site with that particular keyword. 

3. Reach the Right Audience: If you have used the geographical-specific extensions, then it helps you to reach the right audience. For Example if you are targeting the customers in United Kingdom, then using geo-specific extension i.e. “.co.uk” will let you reach the clients searching for something in that particular area i.e. in United Kingdom.

4. PPC Works good with relevant domain name: Paid ads, Online ads and text ads works good with the relevant domain names. The reasons behind the good performance of these generic and keyword heavy domains are as follows:

(a) If there is a close match between the product and domain name, then it encourages more clicks.

(b) If the keywords are bolded in the search results, then it drew the eyes easily

(c) There is also a possibility that Quality Score is impacted by good domain name.

These domain names give you a higher CTR and more clicks.

How to choose best domain name & extension: Whether you are starting a new business or migrating to some more effective domain name then you should keep some important points in mind. Which are as follows:

(A) Choosing SLD: 

1. Use Keywords Effectively: You should avoid exact match keywords in domains, instead use partial matches which will be more effective. But you should still think about the brand first and keywords come later.

2. Make it Relevant: It’s very much important that your domain name communicates a right message, because people will have a better understanding of what your website and business is all about if you have chosen a domain name relevant to your industry.

3. Keep it short: Less than 15 characters is ideal, so 1 or 2 words for a domain name is good enough.

4. Make it memorable: You should choose a domain name which is easy to remember, as all brands should be.

5. Be typeable: Typeable does basically mean that you should avoid using hyphens, special characters and numbers in your domain names. So users can find it easy to type.

(B) Choosing TLD:  With tons of extensions available it is difficult to choose an extension for your website’s domain, lets us discuss about few of them to make it easy for you: 

1. Target location: If you are targeting a specific location, let’s say if you are targeting the country United Kingdom, then using .co.uk as a geographical suffix or extension is the best thing to do. Using the geo specific extension can help you rank for the specific countries.

2. Industry Specific: Although there are so many TLDs available, still you can make your domain more industry specific, for example you can use .food and .marketing extensions in case you are dealing in thefood industry or running a marketing company respectively.  The good thing about this is that search engines as well as customer will have a clear understanding that what your industry is basically about.

3. The .com extension is still widely used: 75% of all the websites are using .com extension and is 20 times more valuable than its other counterparts i.e. “.net” and “.org”.

So if you are not buying a geo specific and industry specific extension then it is always advisable to buy a “.com” extension for your domain or website, instead of buying it’s other counterparts.

Author Bio

The author is SEO Expert, working with Best SEO Company in Delhi. He helps in building value-conscious traffic on several businesses sites. In his articles, he has given tremendous ideas related to SEO and how to increase the user base, and boost web sales and customer satisfaction. There are thousands of tricks and techniques he follows. Get in touch with him @ [email protected]

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